Municipal services regarding child welfare services:

(Norwegian translation in parenthesis)

  • Adoption (Adopsjon)
  • Foster home (Fosterheim)
  • Reporting a concern to the Child Welfare Services (Melding til barnevernstenesta)
  • Relief measures from the Child Welfare Services (Hjelpetiltak frå barnevernstenesta)
  • Personal support contact (Støttekontakt)
  • Taking over the care for a child (Omsorgsovertaking av eit barn)
  • Visitations with children under public care for the parents and others (Samvær med barn under offentleg omsorg for foreldra og andre)
  • Visiting/support home (Besøksheim)

For more information about these services, see contact information.

Child Wellfare Services on call phones

On call phones

  • Daytime weekdays 975 52 163: 8 am–3 pm (Summer time 9am–2pm)
  • Evening/night time 919 14 430: 3.30pm–8am

Barnevernet - Stord kommune

Accident and emergency department

Telephone: 116 111
From abroad: 00 47 954 11 755